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pets exports ~ the veterinary stuff

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You're leaving the UAE? Booooo...!!
You're taking your pet with you? Hmmm... the strange choices people make!

Managing your pet's relocation entirely on your own? Or using an agent other than DKC Relocations? BUT you need DKC Veterinary Clinic for some aspects of the relocation process?

No problem. We're here for ya, baby!

Just download our documents "Pet Exports ~ The Veterinary Stuff" to learn about all we can do for you at our clinic and our charges to you for being so unspeakably helpful.

What's more, however, is that this document, and the accompanying document "Rabies ~ Country-Mandated Timeframes for Primary Vaccinations", are FULL of OTHER very important and valuable relocations-related information (lovingly contributed by our relocations department) which will help you get through the morass of "stuff" you need to deal with. Relocating your pet can be hard but it IS doable without an agent involved, and we aim to nudge you along as helpfully as possible.

Good luck!
Food and water for my pet's journey?

First of all, to be clear, and VERY importantly, there must always be water available before, dur

<h5>Food and water for my pet's journey?</h5> <div class="faq_ans_img"><img loading="lazy" src=""></div> <div class="faq_ans_text"><p>First of all, to be clear, and VERY importantly, there must <em>always</em> be water available before, during and after the journey. This said, don't overly concern yourself if your pet is not drinking huge amounts before you take her to the airport just because you've given it to her. Let your pet behave normally, drink as she wants, and relax. The key here is that water <em>must always be <strong>available</strong></em> (which is why all travel boxes have a water bowl in them).</p> <p>As to food, however, while there certainly are exceptions, it's actually best that most animals (including dogs and cats) travel on an empty (or close-to-empty) stomach. We understand that you worry your pet will be hungry, especially if it's a long-haul journey, but we ask that you trust this bit of very important advice:</p> <ul> <li>Do not feed your dog or cat for at the very least 4 hours before you drop them off at the airport for departure, and preferably longer. At DKC, we generally aim for about 8-10 hours.<br><br></li> </ul> <p>Unlike human beings who need (or <em>feel</em> they need) to eat regularly, many types of animal, including dogs and cats and others (though, again, there are exceptions to this), are very capable of and even comfortable with going without food for a good 24 hours. Of course we agree that this is not what you want to do every day but in an air-travel situation, we promise you that all your pets and animals will be just fine. In fact, they will be better than if you do feed them because of the:</p> <ul> <li>Reduced likelihood of nausea/vomiting in case they have any kind of reaction to the movement of their crate or as a result of anxiety (though it should be said that vomiting under any circumstances is quite rare).</li> <li>Dramatically reduced risk of toileting (urine and faeces) in their travel box, which means they stay cleaner and more comfortable overall.<br><br></li> </ul> <p>Sound scary? Try not to worry too much. This approach really does work very well indeed.</p></div>
Sedation: Should I or shouldn't I?
<h5>Sedation: Should I or shouldn't I?</h5> <div class="faq_ans_img"><img loading="lazy" src=""></div> <div class="faq_ans_text"><p>In almost all cases, absolutely <strong><span class="underline">not</span></strong>.<br><br>We very strongly recommend against tranquilizing or sedating animals for flight, as does just about every professional shipper worldwide ~ in fact, the vast majority of airlines will not even accept an animal if it has been so treated.<br><br>The main problem is that tranquilizers and sedatives affect the respiratory and circulatory systems by slowing them down quite a bit. While this is almost never a problem in normal circumstances, at altitude and in aircraft air-pressure, it can lead to physiological distress.<br><br>We are not saying that it is never done, and of course we are not saying it always leads to problems, but because there is a widely recognised increase in health risk, even if minimal, the usual approach is to avoid it unless absolutely necessary.<br><br>When is it absolutely necessary? Well, basically you need to ask: Will the stress which my pet will feel be so extremely serious that he will probably experience health problems or even physical injury while in transit, such that the risk of medication is actually less than the risk of anxiety?<br><br>Some people are so worried about their pets and other animals that this question becomes difficult for them to answer, but our experience is that in 99.9% of the cases, it is the human being who is suffering the most anxiety, albeit from understandable worry. You'd be amazed to see just how casual so many travelling animals are once they've arrived at the other end of the journey.</p> <p>And if you <em>are</em> seriously considering medication, look to <em>anxiolytics </em> instead of sedatives ~ these act differently on the pet's system and are probably safer, though we are still strongly recommending against the use of any medication at all, if at all possible. This said, there are herbal and homeopathic remedies that some feel are helpful alternatives and are usually readily available at pet shops and other locations in the form of sprays, tablets and even food.<br><br>Give it all some thought, speak to your vet, and please be cautious.</p></div>
Sedation: Should I or shouldn't I?
In almost all cases, absolutely...
Can DKC manage both the import and export sides of my pet's or other animal's relocation?
<h5>Can DKC manage both the import and export sides of my pet's or other animal's relocation?</h5> <div class="faq_ans_img"><img loading="lazy" src=""></div> <div class="faq_ans_text"><p>Definitely yes! For sure! Yup!</p> <p>Well... maybe. Read on.</p> <p>There are two parts to any relocations process: 1) the export; 2) the import; and they need to be seen as distinct processes because, in fact, they are (although both sides coordinate with each other). We can definitely assist you with the import side if you're coming <em>into</em> the UAE, and we can definitely assist you with the export side if you're <em>leaving</em> the UAE. And that's because we, obviously, are <em>in</em> the UAE.</p> <p>Right, now that's clear.</p> <p>However, there (almost!) always needs to be someone (you, a friend or another relocations agent) handling things on the "other" side of a relocation. If you're importing into the UAE, someone will definitely have to handle things in your country of origin. If you're exporting from the UAE, someone in your destination country will have to handle things upon the arrival of your pet if your pet is being exported as "manifest cargo". (What is "manifest cargo" and "accompanied/excess baggage? Read our <a href="/docs/Pet_Flight_Options.pdf" target="_blank">Pet Flight Options</a>). There must always be a physical presence on both sides for the handing of it all when travelling as manifest cargo and when additional import requirements demand this.</p> <p>And so, you can of course engage us to handle the UAE-based stuff (please do!), but in the other country, you will have to have yourself, a friend or another agent handle that side of things. If you're going to use another agent, that's when we can step in to help with <em>both</em> sides of the shipment - although the other agent will be doing the physical work required at the other end, you may wish to deal with only one company for the management and payment of the whole process. In which case, we can manage that for you. There will of course be an additional management fee, but you might be happier having to deal with only one company.</p> <p>And by the way, if you do want to find another agent on your own, in your non-UAE location, check out <a href="" target="_blank"></a>, where you'll be able to search for pet/animal shippers all over the world.</p> <p>But why did we exclaim "almost!" a couple of paragraphs up? Well, in departing the UAE, there are many countries around the world that permit the entry/arrival of pets travelling with you as "accompanied/excess baggage" rather than as "manifest cargo" for Customs clearance following arrival. This is not to say that additional assistance in the destination country is <em>never</em> required simply because your pet has travelled accompanied/excess baggage, but there are indeed many countries for which the entry requirements do <em>not</em> require this type of additional assistance (e.g. import permit, on-arrival quarantine, etc.). In other words, more research!!</p> <p>Complicated, this import/export thing, eh?  </p></div>
Can DKC manage both the import and export sides of my pet's or other animal's relocation?
Definitely yes! For sure! Yup! Well... maybe. Read on. There are two parts to any...
What are your vehicles like? How will my pet travel?

We use converted passenger vans (such as the Toyota Hiace) which have been heavily modified for o

<h5>What are your vehicles like? How will my pet travel?</h5> <div class="faq_ans_img"><img loading="lazy" src=""></div> <div class="faq_ans_text"><p>We use converted passenger vans (such as the Toyota Hiace) which have been heavily modified for our pet collection and delivery service. Take a look at <a href="/what-we-do/collection-delivery" target="_blank">Collection & Delivery</a>.</p> <p>Now, as we've said, these are people-passenger vans, <em><strong>not</strong></em> cargo vans; this is an important distinction because passenger vans have windows all around the vehicle so that plenty of light gets in, and also high-quality air-conditioning throughout. Furthermore, we've added fans to create even better air circulation.</p> <p>All the seats have been removed, of course, and replaced by metal flooring with embedded hooks, so when we put your pet and her/his travel box into the van, we can use strong ties to secure the boxes in-place.</p> <p>And finally, there's no solid/opaque partition between our handlers who are driving the vans and your pets in the back, which means we always know what's going on and your pets aren't isolated at all during the trip.</p> <p>And just so you know, we transport any animal in these vehicles, not just your dogs and cats.</p> <p>Oh, and one more thing: We do <em>not</em> have "drivers". The same Animal Handlers who take care of your pets when in our care are the ones who will come to your home for Collection & Delivery.</p></div>
Do you have a vet on-site?
<h5>Do you have a vet on-site?</h5> <div class="faq_ans_img"><img loading="lazy" src=""></div> <div class="faq_ans_text"><p>Yes! Uh... No! Uhhhh... let us explain.</p> <p>We do not have a vet <em>on-site</em> at our boarding facility in Umm Ramool.</p> <p>HOWEVER... that really should not worry you. Our own vets at <a href="/what-we-do/dkc-veterinary-clinic" target="_blank">DKC Veterinary Clinic</a> in Motor City are available to our boarding staff 24 hours a day, every single day of the year, so if anything is ever wrong, we do have the resources that you and your pet need. Additionally, our veterinary clinic is open 24/7. All Day. All Night. Always.</p> <p>Furthermore, in almost all cases when a pet is needing veterinary attention, it is not an emergency situation. So we will be able to book appointments with our own clinic or your preferred vet if you wish, and we will also of course always let you know in advance that we are doing that unless for some reason you are unreachable and it cannot wait.</p> <p>Finally, because of <a href="/what-we-do/boarding-daycare/love-and-other-stuff-too" target="_blank">the way we work</a> on a daily basis, we almost always discover very early if there are any developing problems, which also does a lot to keep your pet well and, most importantly, to avoid emergency situations almost all the time.</p></div>
Do you have a vet on-site?
Yes! Uh... No! Uhhhh......

Animal Care. Animal Relocations. By Animal People.

Love... and other stuff too



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