DKC Veterinary Clinic is 24/7
Always Open. All Day. All Night.
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prices & admission requirements

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Rules, rules, rules. Sorry, we have 'em too. Hopefully you won't find all the reading too painful.


DKC Price List and A Fair Share

The "DKC Price List" is pretty straightforward, including telling you about our boarding and dog daycare charges, collection and delivery, peak-season rates, charges for administration for medications and a few other bits and bobs, as well as various discounts you might be able to take advantage of.

Also take a look at "A Fair Share" while you're at it and learn about how your dogs, cats and you can possibly benefit from a little Buddy-Boarding.

P.S. All Emirates Group members get a 10% discount on all our services related charges ~ Boarding, Relocations and Veterinary! But shhh... don't tell anyone!

Admission Forms and Terms & Conditions

These are the ones you're going to hate!  

There are 3 very important forms/documents that you will need to complete and sign when we take your pet into our care.

You can do this when you arrive at our premises or, if you prefer, download them now and take your time with them, complete them electronically or by hand, and then email them to us in advance or bring them with you already complete on the day you arrive with your pet. You can even choose to just hand them over to our Handler when we come to your home for pet's pick-up.


External Parasite Treatment

An external parasite treatment (such as Frontline, Frontline Plus, Effipro, Fipron, Advantix and Bravecto) is a tick and flea preventative treatment which we require for all our dog and cat boarders upon arrival. Most of these come as a small pipette of liquid which is administered to your pet's skin between the shoulder blades. The treatment is very safe, very effective... and widely used.

We need to see this treatment administered at our facility, by us, in almost all cases (talk to our staff for more information about this). You can purchase from us or from your vet (bringing it with you when your pet's boarding day arrives). And just so you know, this really should be a requirement at any quality pet hotel.


Some not-quite-so-cool cats

You're probably not going to like this much, but we strictly do not accept for boarding any cats which are unneutered and 6 months or older. Sorry

The reason is that cats can be very territorial and as a result tend to mark their territory rather aggressively which, as you can imagine, isn't something that works too well in a community of cats (even though all the cats are of course in their own enclosures). And whooohooo!, the smell!

If you're really in need of boarding for your unneutered cat, you might consider neutering before you leave. If you're in a rush with a sudden unexpected trip, we can manage the neutering and post-operative care for you.


Careful & Special Diets

If your pet has any special dietary needs, please make sure you let us know in the Admission Forms. And if your darling is a cat, you might like to take a look at our document "Wet Food for your Cat ~ The Better Choice".


When your cat is fluey and your dog is pooey!

If your cat has a sniffle or your dog is a little "full" of himself (get it?), we have a few remedies we like to use. Now, the good news is that they are totally safe and extremely effective, but the bad news is that we do have to charge our "medications administration" fee for them, and we would like you to know a little more about it all before deciding. So, take a look here and also have a chat with our handlers.


Light grooming and bathing

A FASCINATING subject, don't you think?! Well, we've got a few things to say about this, right here.



The Convention of International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) is an international agreement between governments and its aim is to ensure that international trade of wild animals and plants does not threaten their survival. How does this affect you? Sounds rather scary.

Well, simply, some pets fall under the jurisdiction of CITES, which is fully supported by the UAE Ministry of Climate Change & Environment (MOCCAE), which means that by law, as well as good conscience, we require your CITES permit to board any pets falling into this category, such as African Grey Parrots, Macaws, Cockatoos and Chinchillas. Check with us if you're uncertain of the applicability and requirements.


We want to tell you the TOOTH



Now we have to get tough.

Yes, we have vaccination requirements for dogs and cats who board with us. Surprised? These requirements, we hope you will understand, are very important and so we are really very strict about them ~ we will need to see your original vaccination records or a good quality copy of them to confirm that everything is up-to-date and in order. Now, drum roll please...

  • DOGSRabies. Also, Distemper, Canine Hepatitis, Leptospirosis and Parvovirus, usually administered as a single, combined injection and more commonly known as DHLP. A similar combined vaccination called DHLPP is also acceptable and includes Canine Parainfluenza, helping to protect against Canine Cough (first-time vaccinations must be at least 21 days old so that the required antibodies can develop). However, whether or not your pet is vaccinated against Canine Parainfluenza, we still require a separate Canine Cough vaccination against Bordatella (usually and preferably administered using the nasal application by vets in the UAE), which must be administered at least 7 days before your pet boards with us and needs to be, and should be, boostered annually at the very least if you intend to kennel your dog frequently.
  • CATSRabies. Also, Feline Rhinotracheitis, Calicivirus and Panleukopnia (first-time vaccinations must be at least 21 days old so that the required antibodies can develop), usually administered as a single, combined injection and more commonly known by their brand names, Tri‑cat, Feligen, Feval5 and Fel-O-Vax.
And your Small Animals? (we call 'em "Smanimals")
  • BIRDS:  No vaccinations are required for birds, but if your bird is protected under the Convention of International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES), then we need to keep a copy of this certificate for our files. For more information, see
  • FERRETSRabies. First vaccination should be done at 12 weeks old and repeated annually.
  • RABBITS:  If you are importing your rabbit to us, then vaccinations will be required for Viral Haemorrhagic Disease (VHD) and Myxomatosis (first-time vaccinations must be at least 21 days old so that the required antibodies can develop).

Also importantly, note that if your dog's or cat's vaccinations are older than 12 months, a booster is necessary. We are of course aware that some vaccinations have a life of 3 years from the manufacturer of the vaccine administered by your vet, however it is a UAE legal requirement that all pets receive a booster every 12 months nevertheless. Bummer, but true.

Aaaaaannnnnnnd... it is also important to be aware that if you have your pet vaccinated for the first time at the Municipality Veterinary Section (and indeed possibly even at other privately owned and operated clinics in the UAE), they will probably not advise you of the necessity of administering booster vaccinations 3-4 weeks after the first one is done. Well, it is extremely important that first-time vaccinations are followed by booster vaccinations a few weeks later or that initial vaccination of your pet will not actually properly take and your pet will not be protected even though you will be under the impression that he or she IS protected.

Furthermore, and importantly, for boarding purposes we will need to see confirmation that your young pet has had not only his or her very first, initial vaccination, but also the follow-up booster a few weeks later. In other words, for our young boarders, the initial vaccination is not enough, so get in the game and get that booster! 

Talk to us about this if you need more information.

But now the good news: As you'll see in our Price List, we can make the whole effort of vaccinating (or other minor veterinary issues) a little easier for you, if you like. Feelin' lazy and just don't want to get into that car, lugging around that darling four-legged creature of yours? Or maybe you're just too too busy? Well, we come to your home, collect your pet, take her to any veterinary clinic of your choosing (including our own DKC Veterinary Clinic, of course!), manage the vet visit and bring her right back home to you when it's all done. Take a look here and here for more information.


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Do you have a vet on-site?

Yes! Uh... No! Uhhhh... let us explain.

We do not have a vet on-site at our boarding faci

<h5>Do you have a vet on-site?</h5> <div class="faq_ans_img"><img loading="lazy" src=""></div> <div class="faq_ans_text"><p>Yes! Uh... No! Uhhhh... let us explain.</p> <p>We do not have a vet <em>on-site</em> at our boarding facility in Umm Ramool.</p> <p>HOWEVER... that really should not worry you. Our own vets at <a href="/what-we-do/dkc-veterinary-clinic" target="_blank">DKC Veterinary Clinic</a> in Motor City are available to our boarding staff 24 hours a day, every single day of the year, so if anything is ever wrong, we do have the resources that you and your pet need. Additionally, our veterinary clinic is open 24/7. All Day. All Night. Always.</p> <p>Furthermore, in almost all cases when a pet is needing veterinary attention, it is not an emergency situation. So we will be able to book appointments with our own clinic or your preferred vet if you wish, and we will also of course always let you know in advance that we are doing that unless for some reason you are unreachable and it cannot wait.</p> <p>Finally, because of <a href="/what-we-do/boarding-daycare/love-and-other-stuff-too" target="_blank">the way we work</a> on a daily basis, we almost always discover very early if there are any developing problems, which also does a lot to keep your pet well and, most importantly, to avoid emergency situations almost all the time.</p></div>
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What are your vehicles like? How will my pet travel?

We use converted passenger vans (such as the Toyota Hiace) which have been heavily modified for o

<h5>What are your vehicles like? How will my pet travel?</h5> <div class="faq_ans_img"><img loading="lazy" src=""></div> <div class="faq_ans_text"><p>We use converted passenger vans (such as the Toyota Hiace) which have been heavily modified for our pet collection and delivery service. Take a look at <a href="/what-we-do/collection-delivery" target="_blank">Collection & Delivery</a>.</p> <p>Now, as we've said, these are people-passenger vans, <em><strong>not</strong></em> cargo vans; this is an important distinction because passenger vans have windows all around the vehicle so that plenty of light gets in, and also high-quality air-conditioning throughout. Furthermore, we've added fans to create even better air circulation.</p> <p>All the seats have been removed, of course, and replaced by metal flooring with embedded hooks, so when we put your pet and her/his travel box into the van, we can use strong ties to secure the boxes in-place.</p> <p>And finally, there's no solid/opaque partition between our handlers who are driving the vans and your pets in the back, which means we always know what's going on and your pets aren't isolated at all during the trip.</p> <p>And just so you know, we transport any animal in these vehicles, not just your dogs and cats.</p> <p>Oh, and one more thing: We do <em>not</em> have "drivers". The same Animal Handlers who take care of your pets when in our care are the ones who will come to your home for Collection & Delivery.</p></div>

Animal Care. Animal Relocations. By Animal People.

Love... and other stuff too
