DKC Veterinary Clinic is 24/7
Always Open. All Day. All Night.
24/7 veterinary clinic

about our 24/7 clinic (philosophically speaking...)

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about our 24/7 clinic (philosophically speaking...) our vets our nurses pet food, pet meds, pet accessories, pet STUFF!! dubai's pet municipality tags & registration vaccinations the lazy way pets exports ~ the veterinary stuff neutering your pet wingin' it with birds laser therapy for pets collection & delivery nationwide tap to show all
DKC Veterinary Clinic is 24/7
Always Open. All Day. All Night.

The Veterinary Clinic Blues Blahs...

dkc vet clinic blahs

Doesn't EVERY vet clinic... your friendly neighbourhood superhero pet clinic... have the same to say? The BEST veterinarians? The Animal Clinic of the Gods? Glorious lists of their medical equipment. Illuminating lists of the awesome and varied services they provide. Confounding recounting of stuff they have and do, using language which, for the most part, is incomprehensible to you and which, in all its apparent uniqueness, merely repeats in one form or another what you read on website after website, at veterinary clinic after veterinary clinic.

Weeeellllll... in OUR case... IT'S ALL TRUE!! dkc veterinary clinic blah blah

All the veterinary services. Or the right referrals.

Whatever kind of animal doctoring (is "doctoring" the right word here?  dkc veterinary services  ) your pet needs, we can. We have all the equipment. We have all the services. And if, by some kind of unlucky chance, we don't have or can't do what your pet needs, we will tell you so ~ and then we'll guide you to the right place, if at all any alternatives are possible... even if that right place is another veterinary clinic in Dubai or elsewhere in the country... or beyond.

Speaking of which...

Veterinary care, indeed medical care for any living thing, is not really (or just) about the equipment and the services. It's actually about the quality of that equipment and those services. It's not just about having an x-ray or ultrasound machine but rather about having the quality of x-ray or ultrasound machine that makes diagnostic difference, and about a level of medical knowledge, skills and practices which augment what those great and essential machines are saying. It's about the underlying management and functioning of the vet clinic affecting medical behaviour and protocols (and the adherence to those protocols). It's about the quality and attitude of the vets, the nurses, everyone at the clinic, and the knowledge and skills they bring to bear on the process of understanding and caring for your pet.

It's about those great tools actually being great and not just a tickbox on a list for marketing purposes; and it's about those great tools being in the right hands and minds of people who want to make a very real diagnostics and treatments difference.

It's about what's going on behind the scenes of a medical facility and whether or not the way things are done match or better the lists of what can be done.

And that's what our website is about.

Our People. Our Two-Legged Timings. Our Place.

Wanna see all the faces of our vets, nurses, receptionists and all the other folk running around our place?! Of course ya does! See 'em on our Pics of Our People page.

So, have we got you mouth-wateringly keen to come for a visit? Of course we have! Check out our Two-Legged Timings. And if what we've told you so far isn't quite enough... check out our pet food, pet meds, pet accessories, pet STUFF!! too.

Oh, and the pics!! Don't forget the pics! Take a look at Pics of our Veterinary Place and get all gushy with us about how gorgeous we are! (We are, right?)

P.S.   All Emirates & FlyDubai Platinum Card holders get a 10% discount on all our services related charges ~ Boarding, Relocations and Veterinary! But shhh... don't tell anyone!
  • general consultations
  • vaccinations
  • Dubai municipality tag registrations
  • nail clipping
  • anal gland expression/emptying
  • dental cleaning
  • dental extractions
  • digital dental x-ray
  • cardiac ultrasound
  • abdominal ultrasound
  • diagnostic imaging
  • fine needle aspiration
  • cytology
  • blood smear evaluation
  • haematology
  • biochemistry
  • endocrinology testing
  • internal medicine
  • soft tissue surgery
  • spays
  • castrations
  • orthopaedic surgery (TTA, platings and intra-medullary pinning, external fixation, spinal surgery, patella luxation, all types of fracture repair)
  • conjunctival grafts
  • cherry-eye repair
  • thyroidectomy
  • exploratory laparotomy
  • thoracotomy
  • caesarian section
  • splenectomy
  • cystotomy
  • enterotomy
  • enterectomy
  • intestinal anastomosis
  • gastropexy
  • conjunctival grafts oesophageal tube placement and feeding
  • general anaesthesia with warmed air blankets and warmed air inspired breathing circuits
  • doppler and oscillometric blood pressure monitoring
  • ECG
  • endoscopy
  • pulse oximetry
  • capnography
  • laser therapy
  • oxygen therapy
  • cystocentesis
  • thoracocentesis
  • abdominocentesis
  • euthanasia
  • cremation
That's dkcOur SEO SLOTH advised listing our services here.

DKC Veterinary Clinic has been rated 4.6 out of 5 based on 14 reviews as of January 2017.

Do I need to make an appointment?

We genuinely love having people just drop by and look around both our locations in Umm Ramool (DK

<h5>Do I need to make an appointment?</h5><p>We genuinely love having people just drop by and look around both our locations in <a href="/about-dkc/howl-we-get-there#dkcmap" target="_blank">Umm Ramool</a> (DKC Boarding & Daycare, and DKC Relocations) and <a href="/about-dkc/howl-we-get-there#dkcvetmap" target="_blank">Motor City</a> (DKC Veterinary Clinic).</p> <p>If you want to relocate your pet into or out of Dubai, then we do indeed need you to contact us to make an appointment... but we promise we won't make that difficult.  <img alt="" src="/graphics/ic_smiley3.png"></p> <p>If you need to see one of our clinic's veterinarians, an appointment is always most assured but, yes, you can also just walk on in and we may be able to see you immediately, or not, but especially yes during The Night Shift, from 8pm to 8am, because our clinic is 24/7, always open, day and night. </p> <p>If, however, you just want to see either of our facilities and look around, to see where your pet will live while you're away and he's boarding or while she's in veterinary care, or to have a chat with our Animal Handlers and our veterinary clinic staff... then just come on down any time during our <a href="/about-dkc/two-legged-timings" target="_blank">Two-Legged Timings</a>.</p> <p>If you want to actually reserve boarding space for your pet, then yes, you do need to contact us in advance.</p>
Why do dogs eat their own faeces? (Blech!)
<h5>Why do dogs eat their own faeces? (Blech!)</h5> <p>Because they're NUTS, obviously!  <img alt="" src="/graphics/ic_wink.png" height="15" width="15"></p> <p>When a dog eats his own faeces, this is called <i>coprophagia</i>. The reason for an animal to eat its own faeces is not completely understood (what a surprise!), however it may be totally normal. It is common in young puppies, as well as females that have just given birth in order to clean their nest environment.</p> <p>In some cases there may be a dietary deficiency, with your dog trying to compensate for this. In these cases, it's important to try to ensure a good, healthy and balanced diet. Or perhaps a young dog may have developed the behaviour and the motivation to continue doing it is due to receiving positive attention for it (believe it or not).</p> <p>It's best to try and remove faeces on a regular basis, as soon as it "appears", but you can also try adding not-so-tasty substances to their faeces (after it's "dropped", of course) to deter the habit, including such things as cayenne pepper and anise; there are also sometimes commercial products available specifically targetted at being added to stool (WHO goes into THAT kind of business?!). But in addition to these war-like tactics, you can try adding "stuff" to their diet, such as probiotics and vitamins (but ask your vet for advice first), and there are also tablets containing yucca, thiamine and capsicum (amoung other things) to be given orally that can sometimes help too.</p> <p>Or you can call your vet!! Help!!</p>
Teeth Brushing ~ Should I or Shouldn't I?
<h5>Teeth Brushing ~ Should I or Shouldn't I?</h5> <p>Teeth brushing!!? For pets!!?? Oh my goodness!! What is the world coming to?!</p> <p>Well, that's probably too philosophical a question for us humble pet owners, so just know this: the less effort and time you put into your dog's or cat's teeth at home, the more likely you will face serious dental issues (and costs) in the future. Yep, it's a sad truth.</p> <p>Dental plaque and tartar build up on your dog's teeth just like it does with us humanoids, so brushing your pet's teeth once daily is best.</p> <p>Once daily!? Can you even <i>imagine</i> doing it this often?</p> <p>It <i>is</i> a lot of work, that's true. Furthermore, some dogs and cats <i>really</i> don't like having their teeth brushed (especially those chompers at the back), which of course will make the job all that more difficult and tiresome, for both of you. But if you get the right tools of the trade (at pretty much any pet shop) and keep at it, the difference will amaze you. Truly. And in fact, if you can't manage it every day, or even every week, then just do what you can whenever you can, because within reason, in this case, <i>something</i> is always better than <i>nothing</i>.</p> <p>This said, there are alternatives to brushing (yay!)... but they're not quite as good (boo!). Dental gels can be rubbed on the gums, and there are products which you can put in their drinking water to help reduce the bacterial load in the mouth. And dental chews of various shapes and sizes do exist, which may or may not be beneficial ~ you'll need to try them and see!</p> <p>Ultimately, if you notice bad breath on your pet or are in any way worried about their teeth, a quick veterinary check will let you know if you need to have your pet's teeth scaled and polished (just like you do when you go to the dental hygienist yourself) ~ most pets will need this done as they get older ~ usually yearly.</p> <p>So what's the point of home dental care if you gotta visit the vet anyway? Well, seriously, frequency of need and cost ~ and the comfort of your pet, of course. You'd be very surprised how many dogs and cats are not feeling as well as you might think, until you see the difference after they've been to the vet for a cleaning and, sometimes, extraction of rotting teeth and sore gums.</p> <p>Sorry folks, but that's the tooth.</p>
Food ~ What should my dog and cat be eating?

The pet food market is VERY large and VERY confusing with ENDLESS different brands and sub-brands

<h5>Food ~ What should my dog and cat be eating?</h5><p>The pet food market is VERY large and VERY confusing with ENDLESS different brands and sub-brands, all touting various benefits that indubitably beat out the competition. Well, to simplify things, there are a few basic rules of thumb to follow:</p> <p>Kittens and puppies should be fed kitten and puppy food, and it's best that this is a good quality or premium pet food brand (get your vet's advice on that), as the early years are very important, nutritionally speaking, for correct growth and development. Furthermore, dogs of different sizes should get different puppy foods designed for those sizes and breeds, ideally ~ all premium pet food brands do cater for this. Large breed dogs, for example, are often prone to joint development problems and these diets, if fed correctly, will help in preventing these (though no guarantees, of course).</p> <p>Once kittens are a year old they can be fed adult food, and the same applies for most small-breed dogs. Larger breed dogs will switch to adult food any time from 15-18 months of age, so ask your vet for advice if you're unsure when reading the food manufacturer's guidelines.</p> <p>Animals that are 7 years and older should be fed a senior diet and, again, the premium brands cater for this specifically. Old age is also very important nutritionally and the premium foods have been carefully formulated to aid ageing body organs and joints.</p> <p>Now, there are a lot of people out there who feel that the only correct way to go is to feed freshly prepared food for your pet. While we agree with this in the ideal, there are two very important questions to pose on this front:  1) Do you know exactly what the nutritional requirements are of your pet? Are you THAT knowledgeable, and;  2) Do you have the time to make this rather awesome commitment? If "yes" to both, then great! Go for it!</p> <p>Finally, we also have a very strong opinion about... the fact that your cat should always be eating wet food, if at all possible. Controversial? Disagree vehemently? Wanna fight about it? Well, read this first: <a href="/docs/Wet_Food_for_your_Cat_-_The_Better_Choice.pdf" target="_blank">Wet Food for your Cat ~ The Better Choice</a></p>
Clipping my pet's claws ~ How often should I do it?
<h5>Clipping my pet's claws ~ How often should I do it?</h5> <div class="faq_ans_img"><img loading="lazy" src=""></div> <div class="faq_ans_text"><p>When to clip your dog's claws depends on the amount of exercise your dog gets and, importantly, the type of surface your dog exercises on. If you can manage to get some walkies time on rougher surfaces (such as roads (but be safe!)), this will usually be sufficient to maintain those claws at a good length. (Oh, and by the way, a good part of puppy training should always include playing with their feet ~ this gets them used to having their paws and claws touched, making it easier as they get older to clip those claws when necessary.)</p> <p>As for cats... well, they have retractable claws (very high-tech!), and so they keep them smooth by scratching on posts or (don't say it!!) your furniture... when they get their claws out! As for length, however, this usually requires a little hands-on maintenance on your part... or on the part of your vet... whichever of you has more confidence. <img alt="" src="/graphics/ic_wink.png" height="15" width="15">  (It's not too difficult, though, so why not ask for some training?)</p> <p>The amount to be cut off depends on the nail length and the length of the small blood vessel within the nail, all of which you need to learn a bit about and can ask any vet or a good kennels/cattery handler about, and then you're off and running.</p> <p>Oh, and by the way, don't forget to clip your bird's claws too!</p></div>
Clipping my pet's claws ~ How often should I do it?
When to clip your dog's claws depends on the...
Chewing, chewing, chewing... EVERYTHING! I love my dog BUT...

It's times like these when you just KNOW you LOVE your dog!

Good dogs destroy things, bad

<h5>Chewing, chewing, chewing... EVERYTHING! I love my dog BUT...</h5><p>It's times like these when you just KNOW you LOVE your dog!</p> <p>Good dogs destroy things, bad dogs destroy things (is there such a thing as a bad dog? NO WAY!). And the reasons for it are plentiful (though you can be excused for thinking that the reason it happens only when you're not at home is some deep-rooted evil).</p> <p>If your dog is young, chewing things is usually normal and necessary behaviour, and is often out of boredom. Young dogs really do need lots of stimulation and to be given toys that will stimulate them (whether you're away from home or not) round-the-clock.</p> <p>But there are other causes of DEEEEEESTRUCTION(!) which are more fear/phobia-related than boredom or youth. Your dog may chew on stuff in order to calm herself down, for example, or she might chew on whatever perceived obstacle stands in her way and where she wants to get to for a greater feeling a safety.</p> <p>And then there's <i>separation anxiety</i>, which can be a serious behavioural condition with one possible result being severe destruction of the area your dog is in, possibly so severe that your dog might even cause harm to herself in her attempt to escape or from sheer manic fear and anxiety, with no particular goal in mind.</p> <p>If she's young, get toys ~ lots of them, and hardy ones. If you think the problem is something more than youthfulness, get advice. Yes, your vet is a good place to start but there are also very knowledgeable people in good kennels and dog behaviourists. Whatever the course you take, take <em>some</em> course, because no one wants to stop loving their dog due to really destructive, unhappy behaviour.</p>
Urinate, shmurinate... all over the house! I love my cat BUT...
<h5>Urinate, shmurinate... all over the house! I love my cat BUT...</h5> <p>It's times like these when you just KNOW you LOVE your cat!</p> <p>There are a number of possible reasons your cat is urinating around your house. It may be either a medically related issue or a behavioural one. Either way, not fun, we know.</p> <p>Medical conditions such as a <i>urinary tract infections</i> or <i>kidney disease</i> may result in your cat urinating more frequently, and sometimes in unusual places. Other medical conditions such as arthritis and dementia may prevent her from reaching her normal litter place and so urinating wherever the hell she gets to. It's important that your cat is examined by a vet to rule out those potential medical causes because if your vet can indeed rule them out, then you know you have a behavioural issue on your hands.</p> <p>In which case... GOOD LUCK TO YOU!</p> <p>No no, just kidding. Stay calm.</p> <p>In the case of behavioural problems, your cat may be marking her territory due to a hormonal influence or urinating in certain areas due to fear or anxiety. And all this, too, your vet will talk with you about once you get past any medical worries as the cause. Also, though, you may want to talk with any knowledgeable catty people (not just vets) ~ they'll often be able to help you identify the cause of behaviour issues and, hopefully, the potential cures. Bottom line: if the issue is behavioural, there can be a lot of different causes, so read, talk, and try to identify which of those causes is most likely at play in your case.</p>

Animal Care. Animal Relocations. By Animal People.

Love... and other stuff too



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